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Due to increases in operating costs, not least of all printing and postage, we’ve made the difficult decision to increase the cost of our print magazine. This will be the first increase since early 2019, and we trust you will understand that this is a necessary step.

So, what’s changing? 

From Island 171, the single issue price will be $19.95 retail (Australia only) and $24 inc postage (Australia only) if purchased through our online shop

From 1 August, subscriptions within Australia will increase as follows:

  • 2-issue subscription: from $33 to $38 

  • 3-issue subscription: from $46.50 to $54

  • 4-issue subscription: from $59.95 to $68
    Take Two program

  • 4-issue subscription plus 11 issues of ABR: from $136 to $143

  • 4-issue subscription plus 4 issues of Griffith Review: from $126 to $133

  • 4-issue subscription plus 4 issues of Meanjin: from $144 to $148

  • 4-issue subscription plus 4 issues of Overland: from $110 to $117

  • 4-issue subscription plus 3 issues of Voiceworks: from $102 to $117

  • 4-issue subscription plus 2 issues of Westerly: from $95 to $99

All subscription options include savings on the retail price and free postage to any Australian address. (See website for institution and overseas prices.)  

Subscribe before 1 August and secure your subscription at the current rates.

We're also excited to announce that from Island 171, we will be introducing the option of a digital version of the print magazine. Single issues will be $15, and a 4-issue subscription will be $50. This option will be available from mid-July, and we'll let you know as soon as it's live!


Winner of the 2024 Island Nonfiction Prize