The Ascension on a MacBook Air – by Sam Morley


I come to the backlit blue
saying nothing
a silent sermon
with stinging eyes
is there something more than material things?

Tonight ChatGPT tries            for me
its black circle shuffling
like a monk in rain 
pressing on into the abyss
left to right
left to right
taking in all the manna of the internet.

I only read headlines anyway
and in a cursor’s pulse
I see now
I feel now
how AI’s dot points are good enough
to speed up the divine.

One vow I keep
returning to these days
is to remember what I’ve done right ­–

e.g.       watching those bees in the casuarina
after we sweated up a sandstone hike
to see whether your dad’s ashes
were still there in a rock scallop

not knowing what that funnelling swarm would do
being a bit 10 plagues
flaking off black
zig-zags in the whip tails
without any sense of honey.

When we found a way
there were no ashes left.
Just more plains, the spittle of lakes
and a shotgun gouge in a tin cairn.

e.g.       you and me
sitting at that cliff
recalling the last dirt field he clipped
standing finished years wide
sunbeams long
as the wool sheds spoiled and back-burning
coiled a grey grinding tooth.
If no one came for us 
it would have been sweeter

waiting for him
to blow us forward
into the heatwave
into the pale flank of summer.

But at my midnight desk
I’m sort of ok now
with acronyms doing the work of words

e.g. SBNR

meaning Spiritual But Not Religious
which I read and think
fair enough ­–
there is always a thing
behind things.

So I say to the uncurtained window

  I take this body to mean something

the circular edge of cold
reminding me again
I am ugly
that there is tinnitus pinging
in my now hairy ears
and rather than scroll on
loon-eyed for answers
it makes more sense
to just
for example

Image: Josh Withers - Unsplash

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Sam Morley

Sam Morley has been published in various journals and has been shortlisted in the Montreal International Poetry Prize. He is the 2022 recipient of the Tina Kane Emergent Writer Award at the Mildura Writer’s Festival. His collections include Earshot (Puncher and Wattmann) and You Do You out now through Upswell.


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